“The SURE Program was an incredible experience that gave me insights into research. I now plan on pursuing research as a part of my career and am continuing to participate in the same research I did during the SURE Program.”
— Yana Astter ’21

Carthage students selected to participate in SURE work with a faculty mentor on a new or developing line of research. SURE research activities are expected to contribute in a meaningful way to the education of the student and to the research agenda of the faculty mentor.

In past years, SURE participants have:

  • Studied computational fluid dynamics modeling of an inertial particle separator in microgravity
  • Designed and built biofilm detectors
  • Developed adaptive optics demonstrations for museum installations
  • Developed low-cost seismic monitoring stations
  • Studied the effects of oxytocin on object recognition tasks in rats and its relation to autism
  • Used GIS to find high priority neighborhoods for lead-free efforts

The following student-faculty teams were awarded SURE grants for the summer of 2009.

  • Elizabeth Dickinson, ’10, Chemistry, Professor Kevin Morris
  • Lori Kollath, ’11, Biology, Professor Elaine Radwanski
  • Christine Konecki, ’11, Chemistry, Professor C.J. Stephenson
  • Zawadi Mageni, ’11, Geography and Earth Science, Professor Julio Rivera
  • Michael Maher, ’11, Chemistry, Professor C.J. Stephenson
  • Laura Neubauer, ’10, Biology, Professor Thomas Carr
  • Scolastica Njoroge, ’12, Biology, Professor Dan Choffnes
  • Jo Bartel, ’10, Neuroscience, Professor Daniel Miller
  • Erin Zimmerman, ’11, Chemistry, Professor Kevin Morris

In addition to these students, the following students were funded by external grants:

  • Isa Fritz, ’10, physics, Professor Kevin Crosby
  • Katelyn Hartstern, ’10, Chemistry, Professor Kevin Morris
  • Samantha Miller, ’10, Environmental Science/Biology, Professors Tracy Gartner, Scott Hegrenes
  • Marie Pichler, ’11, Environmental Science/Biology, Professors Tracy Gartner, Scott Hegrenes

The following students and research projects were selected for the 2010 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Amber Bakkum ’12 and Kimberly Schultz ’12 — Computational Modeling of Slosh Dynamics in the Orion Service Module Downstream Propellant Tank, mentored by Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • Amanda Faint ’11 —High Resolution Spectroscopic Studies of the Diffuse Interstellar Bands: The Fullerene Hypothesis, mentored by Prof. Julie Dahlstrom
  • Jennifer Nicklaus ’11 and Coty Tatge ’12 — A Catalogue of Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the Near Infrared, mentored by Prof. Julie Dahlstrom
  • Douglas Vodnik ’13 — Mechanical Properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes, mentored by Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • Brianne Birsa ’11, Alexandra Matzinger ’11, and Amy Macemon ’12— Bat Ecology: Acoustic Monitoring of Local Bat Activity, mentored by Prof. Deanna Byrnes
  • John Egner, ’13 —Bat Evolution: Building the Molecular Phylogeny of Dobsonia, mentored by Prof. Deanna Byrnes
  • Katie Gast ’11, Stacy Kosinski ’12, and Anne Pioppo ’12 — Characterization of Potential Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the Southeastern Wisconsin Water, mentored by Prof. Dan Choffnes
  • Susan Craig ’11 — Identifying the Intermolecular Interactions Responsible for Chiral Recognition in Drug/Micelle Mixtures, mentored by Prof. Kevin Morris
  • Sarah Marble ’11 — Investigating the Association of Drugs and Chiral Micelles using NMR Spectroscopy, mentored by Prof. Kevin Morris
  • Tim Hamerly ’11 — Using NMR Spectroscopy to Study the Motional Dynamics of Chiral Molecules, mentored by Prof. Kevin Morris
  • Leann Quertinmont ’11 — Syntheses and NMR Explorations of Enantioselective NMR Shift Reagents, mentored by Prof. Timothy Eckert
  • Kyle Enot ’11 —Algae as a potential bioremediation tool for atrazine, mentored by Prof. Tracy Gartner
  • Adam Glover ’12, Marie Pichler ’11, Bill Quade ’11 and Morgan Wiechmann ’12 — Invasive Species Working Group, with environmental science professors Scott Hegrenes and Tracy Gartner
  • Cassandra Kawell ’11 and Isaac Rothenbaum ’11 — Software Evolution and the Moving Picture Metaphor, mentored by Prof. Mark Mahoney
  • David Reis ’11 — mentored by Prof. Dan Miller

The following students were selected to participate in the Social Science Summer Research Program: Ian Brodie ’11; Jessica Conderman ’11; Andrea Leschewski ’11; and Brian Zielinski ’11.

The following students and research projects were selected for the 2011 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Garrett Boelkes ’12, Adam Glover ’12, and Chris Goldsmith ’13 — Invasive Cattails and Shoreline Plant Competition with Prof. Scott Hegrenes (Watch a video about this project)
  • Chelsea Burns ’13 and Kayla Tripp ’13 — The Environmental Fate of Personal Care Products in Aquatic Systems with Prof. Sarah Rubinfeld (Watch a video about this project)
  • Brendan Jones ’12 — Assessing the Effect of Brownfield Redevelopment Projects on Surrounding Property Values in Milwaukee Using GIS and Spatial Analysis with Prof. Wenjie Sun
  • Joshua Collins ’14 — Number-theoretic Research on the Multiplicative Structure of Juggling Siteswaps with Prof. Erik Tou
  • Brianna Faint ’14 — The Detectability of Broad Absorption Features in Echelle Spectroscopy with Prof. Julie Dahlstrom
  • Zachary Troyer ’14 — Investigating l-C3H2 as a Carrier for Diffuse Interstellar Bands with Prof. Julie Dahlstrom
  • Steven Metallo ’14 and John Robinson ’13 — Modal Analysis of Spacecraft Propellant Tanks: A Non-invasive Propellant Measurement Technique for Zero-Gravity Fluid Volume Estimation with Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • Nathan Fulton ’13 and Russell Mull ’12 — Software Evolution and the Moving Picture Metaphor with Prof. Mark Mahoney (Watch a video about this project)
  • Audrey Henning ’12 — Cloning and Expression of Cellulase in E. coli with Prof. Patrick Pfaffle
  • Elizabeth Kendl ’14 and Laura Taylor ’13 — Characterization of the Bacterial Small RNA Goldilocks with Prof. Janice Pellino
  • Steven Mathe ’13 — Nuclear-Spin Isotope Effects of Organotin Compounds by Prof. Walter Smith
  • Kelsey Miller ’13, Kayla Parsons ’12 and Natasha Wilkins ’12 — Neuroanatomy and Physiology in an Anxiety Vulnerable Rat Strain with Prof. Daniel Miller (Watch a video about this project)
  • Emma Sorrell ’13 — Historical Research on the Science of Fluid Mechanics with Prof. Erik Tou

The following students and research projects were selected for the 2012 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Samantha Beard ’14, a biology major from Valparaiso, Ind.; and Alex Nelson ’13, a biology and music major from Red Wing, Minn., worked with biology professor Deanna Byrnes on her project, “Recording Bat Populations Using the Bat Detector.”
  • Heidi Fenske ’14, a biology major from Milwaukee, worked with biology and chemistry professor Kristopher Koudelka on the project “Chemical Modification of Bacteriophage Lambda Procapsids for Mammalian Interactions Testing.”
  • Maxwell Machurick ’15, a biology major from Kaukauna, Wis., worked with biology and chemistry professor Kristopher Koudelka on a study of bacteriophage Lambda as a novel nanoparticle.
  • Eli Favela ’14, a mathematics and physics major from Palatine, Ill., worked with astronomy professor Jean Quashnock to study the clustering of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and quasar absorbers in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
  • Steven Mathe ’13, a chemistry and physics major from Wauconda, Ill., worked with physics professor Kevin Crosby on designing a rocket payload to test a method of gauging zero-g propellant.
  • Seth Schofield ’14, a physics and mathematics major from Kenosha, worked with physics and astronomy professor Julie Dahlstrom to use the WISE All Sky Infrared Survey to catalogue warm dust in diffuse interstellar band sight lines.
  • Cory Schrandt ’15, a physics major from Kenosha, worked with physics and astronomy professor Julie Dahlstrom to study angular variation in diffuse band absorption.
  • Morgan Gianola ’14, a neuroscience major from Broomfield, Colo., worked with neuroscience professor Dan Miller on a project studying avoidance learning and retention in behaviorally inhibited rodent modules.
  • Rachel Hammer ’13, a neuroscience major from Schaumburg, Ill.; and Molly Haywood ’13, a neuroscience major from Batavia, Ill., worked with neuroscience professor Penny Seymoure studying the effects of acute stress on recognition memory for neutral and social information.
  • Kelsey Miller ’12, a neuroscience major from Sauk Rapids, Minn.; and Kelly Moench ’14, a neuroscience/psychology/religion major from Janesville, Wis., worked with neuroscience professor Dan Miller on studying the role of the cerebellum in the acquisition and retention of avoidance learning in anxiety vulnerable rats.
  • Eric Ireland ’15, a physics and mathematics major from Kenosha, Wis., and Emma Sorrell ’13, a mathematics major from Kenosha, worked with mathematics professor Michael Nicholas to study boundary integral model for peristaltic pumping.
  • Steve Metallo ’14, a mathematics and physics major from Kenosha, worked with mathematics professor Mark Snavely.
  • Kenna Krone ’14, an environmental science and classical studies major from Pleasant Prairie, Wis., worked with environmental science professor Sarah Rubinfeld on a study of the environmental fate of personal care products.
  • Akinyi Ooko-Ombaka ’14, an environmental science and geography major, worked with environmental science professor Tracy Gartner in an Invasive Species Working Group.
  • Charlotte Sullivan ’14, an environmental science major from Grayslake, Ill., worked with biology professor Scott Hegrenes in the Invasive Species Working Group.
  • Kevin Lubick ’13, a computer science major from DeForest, Wis.; and Wojciech Snarski ’13, a computer science and business administration major from Glenview, Ill., worked with computer science professor Mark Mahoney on his project “Software Evolution and the Moving Picture Metaphor.”
  • Jesse Wilson ’14, a neuroscience major from Salem, Wis., worked with chemistry professor Walter Smith to study nuclear-spin isotope effects in organotin compounds.
  • Kelsey Lindquist ’13, of Waunakee, Wis., worked with education professors Prisca Moore and Kathy Ryan on a project titled “Investigating Effective Use of iPad Apps in Elementary Classrooms.”
  • Stephanie Zimmerman ’14, a social science major from Grayslake, Ill., worked with education professor Karin Sconzert to examine the “Implications of the Parent School Choice Program in Racine.”
  • Kate Marie Haapala ’12, a political science major from Bristol, Wis., worked with political science professor Jeffrey Roberg on a project titled “The Case Study of Ecuador and Texaco: Can Economic Development Coincide with the Protection of Human, Indigenous and Environmental Rights?”
  • Andrew Ademe ’12, an economics and political science major from Algonquin, Ill., worked with economics professor Ron Cronovich to study the propensity to migrate in sub-demographics of the 18-30 age group in regards to U.S. internal migration flows.
  • Jillian Burnickas ’12, of Worth, Ill., studied the effect student loans have on the economy with guidance from Arthur Cyr, director of the A.W. Clausen Center for World Business, and Ron Cronovich, chair of the Economics Department.
  • Sarah Bedore ’13, an accounting/management major from Tinley Park, Ill., worked with business professor J.J. Shields on a project for The Prairie School.
  • Emily Oleson ’12, from Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., worked with religion professor Romwald Maczka and English professor Jean Preston, on a project titled “Symbolic Landscapes of Kahlil Gibran.”
  • Timothy Knoepke ’14, of Jim Falls, Wis., worked with Brendan Cook on an intensive study, conducted in the original Latin, of selected passages from Roman historian Livy’s Ab urbe condita.
  • Joshua Grimm ’13, of Okauchee, Wis., worked with Jennifer McBride, adjunct professor of classics, on a project titled “Pain in Pleasure in Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound.”
  • Rachel Kimmerling ’13, of Bloomington, Ill., worked with Great Ideas and political science professor Paul Kirkland on a project titled “The Development of Nietzsche’s Plato.”
  • Hunter McKenzie ’13, of Lindenhurst, Ill., worked with Paul Ulrich, professor of philosophy, political science and Great Ideas, on a project titled “Education, Politics and Virtue in Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus.”
  • Nick Tackes ’13, of Rockford, Ill., worked with Great Ideas and classics professor Joseph McAlhany on a project titled “Ambiguous Ecstasies: Dionysus in the Bacchae, Shiva in the Shiva Purana.”
  • Samantha Whalen ’13, a music education and clarinet performance major from Kenosha, worked with James Ripley, professor of music on a project titled “Film and Musical Analysis for the Silent Movie Modern Times.”
  • Mikaley Osley ’14, a theatre and English major from Centennial, Colo., conducted research with Herschel Kruger, chair of the Theatre Department, to adapt the novel Day After Night into a full-length play and to hold private readings with student actors.

The following students and research projects were selected for the 2013 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Daisy Bower ’16, a physics and mathematics major from Taylor Ridge, Ill.; Eli Favela ’14, a physics major from Palatine, Ill., and Eric Ireland ’15, a physics and mathematics major from Kenosha, studied space flight hardware development with Prof. Kevin Crosby. Daisy and Eli conducted an experiment on flow boiling condensation in microgravity, in conjunction with the Carthage Microgravity Team’s 2013 project in NASA’s Systems Engineering Educational Discovery program. Eric analyzed payload data from Terrier Orion sounding rockets.
  • Michael Brusich ’15, a physics and mathematics major from Mokena, Ill.; Julia Henning ’15, a physics major from Johnston, Iowa; Mitch Reecher ’15, a physics and secondary education major from Byron, Ill., and Connor O’Connell-Keleghan ’16, a physics major from Lake Forest, Ill., worked with Prof. Brant Carlson to build electric field meters to monitor global electrical activity.
  • Kevin LeCaptain ’16, a physics and mathematics major from Fairfax, Iowa; Kyle Weber ’15, a physics major from Edwardsville, Ill., and Zach Scherrer ’16, a physics and German major from Eau Claire, Wis., collaborated with Professor Brant Carlson to analyze data collected from detectors near meter-scale sparks and determine how those sparks might produce energetic radiation.
  • Jennifer Dorman ’15, an environmental science and geography major from Carol Stream, Ill.; Beth Klein ’16, a biology and Chinese major from Sheboygan, Wis., and Alexandra Lemmer ’14, an environmental science major from East Troy, Wis., worked with Prof. Scott Hegrenes and Prof. Tracy Gartner to continue the research of the Invasive Species Working Group.
  • Mark Flanigan ’14, a chemistry major from St. Charles, Ill., and Victoria Northrup ’15, a chemistry and neuroscience major from Rochester, Minn., investigated the effect of pH on chiral surfactants with NMR spectroscopy in collaboration with Prof. Kevin Morris.
  • Ashley Gladis ’15, a chemistry major from Batavia, Ill., worked with Professor Kevin Morris on a project that uses molecular dynamics simulations to examine chiral polymers.
  • Sam Hoffmann ’15, a mathematics major from Maple Grove, Minn., and Steven Metallo ’14, a mathematics major from Kenosha, evaluated the relative efficiency of navigational routes on a globe with guidance from Professor Erik Tou.
  • Michael Moen ’16, a mathematics and physics major from Coon Rapids, Minn., studied harmonic nine-crossing knots with Prof. Aaron Trautwein.
  • Alexander Powers ’15, a mathematics and computer science major from La Grange, Ill., worked under the guidance of Professor Aaron Trautwein to resolve “A Question about Ellipses.”
  • Victoria Jensen ’16, a psychology and neuroscience major from Granton, Wis., researched anxiety, the physiology of stress, and the amygdala with Prof. Daniel Miller and Prof. Paul Martino.
  • Don Kuntz ’15, a computer science major from River Forest, Ill., and Michael Peterson ’15, a computer science major from Waukesha, Wis., worked with Prof. Mark Mahoney to continue development of Storyteller version control software.
  • Jesse Wilson ’14, a neuroscience major from Salem, Wis., worked with Professor Daniel Miller on a project titled, “Amygdalar Influence on Avoidance Acquisition and Retention in a Rodent Model for Behavioral Inhibition.”
  • Ryan Lindsay ’14, an economics and finance major from Oswego, Ill., studied the relationship between wealth and health status with guidance from Prof. Catherine Lau.
  • Allison Von Borstel ’15, an International Political Economy and economics major from Orland Park, Ill., collaborated with Prof. Joseph Wall to study how and to what extent internal locus of control, cognitive moral development, and price discrimination via ethical sensitivity influence the decision to pirate or pay for music and movies when moderated by legal decisions.
  • Sebastian Jacinto ’15, an economics major from Kenosha, worked with Prof. Ron Cronovich to measure the impact of country-specific factors as determinants for migration in both source and host country, with a particular focus on high-skilled labor.
  • Benjamin Mulwana ’15, a mathematics and computer science major from Fairfax, Va., worked with Prof. Peter Dennee to research musical instruments of the Buganda Kingdom in Uganda, as well as the role of music and its impact there.
  • Alexander Johnson ’15, a theatre performance, music, and music theatre major from Cottage Grove, Minn., worked with Prof. Neil Scharnick to study the roots of Symbolism in European theatre and to develop productions re-creating the design and performance techniques.
  • Molly Mason ’14, a theatre major from Downers Grove, Ill., designed costumes for the 17th century play “The Rover” with guidance from Kim Instenes.
  • Rachel Ho ’16, a neuroscience and Asian Studies major from Kenosha, collaborated with Prof. Stephen Udry on a spatio-temporal analysis of temple building and reconstruction in Sichuan Province from the 1300s to the early 1900s. She aims to understand both economic and immigration patterns, pairing them with time-dependent sociological needs or desires.
  • Mikaley Osley ’14, a theatre and English major from Centennial, Colo., worked with Prof. Alyson Kiesel to define gothic parody in Jane Austen’s novel “Northanger Abbey.”
  • Lindsey Bernhardt ’14, a history and social science major from Pleasant Prairie, Wis., researched the Parental Private School Choice program in Racine, Wis., continuing an ongoing study that’s guided by Prof. Karin Sconzert.
  • Trisha Chinski ’15, a cross-categorical special education and social science major from Lake Wales, Fla., collaborated with Prof. Prisca Moore to create a simple assistive technology tools database for general and special education teachers.
  • Liza Lanum ’16, a biology major from Kenosha, studied the portrayal of the traditional Chinese medicine concept of Qi in both modern and ancient media, with guidance from Prof. Daniel Choffnes.
  • Zachary Resch ’14, a neuroscience and Great Ideas major from Sheboygan, Wis., researched Plato’s “Sophist” through Heidegger’s “Sophist” with guidance from Prof. Ben DeSmidt.

The following research projects and students were selected for the 2014 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Religious Spatial and Temporal Development Patterns across Core and Periphery Counties in Qing-period Sichuan: A Preliminary Analysis; Part 2 — Rachel Ho ’16 (Asian studies major from Kenosha, Wis.) with Prof. Steve Udry, doing a spatial analysis of temple building and reconstruction across a few core and periphery counties within Sichuan Province from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) up to the early 20th Century.
  • Bat Behavior and Ecology — Caleb Jenks ’16 ( biology major from Sullivan, Wis.) and Joshua Brandt ’16 (environmental science major from Fox Lake, Ill.) with Prof. Deanna Byrnes
  • Researching the synergy of two different nanodrugs and their effects on the apoptosis and intracellular proteins of three different types of cancer cells (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, and Breast cancer) — Richard Stauffer ’17 (biology/neuroscience double-major from Round Lake, Ill.) and Manar Mohammad ’16 (English major from Kenosha, Wis.) with Prof. Amareshwar Singh
  • The Environmental Fate of Organic Fragrance Chemicals in Personal Care Products — Macy Anderson ’16 (biology/chemistry double-major from Brainerd, Minn.) and Helaina Rosenmayer ’16 (biology major from Plainfield, Ill.) with Prof. Sarah Rubinfeld
  • The Development of a Bio-sensor to Detect Lead on Solid Surfaces (like children’s and pet toys) — Tiffany Burton ’16 (biology major from Huntley, Ill.) and Daniel Setzke ’17 (biology major from Glen Ellyn, Ill.) with Prof. Janice Pellino
  • Synthesize 1-phenyl-3-(trimethylstannyl)-1-propanonel Through a 7-step Organic Reaction Based on Nuclear Spin Isotope Effect of Tin — Mary Grant ’16 (biology major from Johnsburg, Ill.) with Prof. Walter Smith
  • An Investigation of Chiral Surfactant Aggregation with NMR Spectroscopy — Charlene Hoffman ’15 (chemistry major from Palatine, Ill.), AlyssaWall ’16 (Japanese/chemistry double-major from Kenosha, Wis.), and Stephanie Zack ’17 (chemistry major from Darien, Ill.) with Prof. Kevin Morris, studying the effect of pH on chiral micelles.
  • An Investigation of the Roles of Sex and Gender in Film — Haley Meents ’15 (Screen Media Studies major from Bourbonnais, Ill.) with Prof. Paul Chilsen, analyzing Hollywood and independent films to find the correlation between roles on screen and in society.
  • Analysis of Healthcare and the Workforce in Kenya — Magdalene Odhiambo ’16 (economics major from Kisumu, Kenya) with Prof. Catherine Lau
  • Researching economic determinants of immigration through a recent database — Sebastian Jacinto ’15 (economics major from Kenosha, Wis.) with Prof. Ronald Cronovich
  • On Winged Words: An Examination of the Poet’s use of Language in The Iliad to create Poetic Space — Micole Gauvin ’15 (mathematics/elementary education double major from Beloit, Wis.) with Prof. Seemee Ali
  • Concept Albums for the Stage: The Uses, Misuses, and Creation — Jack Lambert ’15 (music theater major from Woodbury, Minn.) with Prof. Corinne Ness

  • Lightning M with the Carthage Atmospheric Electricity Research and Education Network (CAERENet) — Justin Barhite ’17 (physics/mathematics double-major from Green Bay, Wis.), Aaron Scheets ’16 (physics major from Marshfield, Wis.), and Michael Brusich ’16 (physics major from Mokena, Ill.) with Prof. Brant Carlson
  • NASA Microgravity Team USIP: EMA Fuel Gauging Project — Daisy Bower ’16 (physics major from Taylor Ridge, Ill.) with Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • NASA RockSat Project — Amelia Gear ’15 (physics/studio art double-major from South Milwaukee, Wis.), Kevin LeCaptain ’16 (physics/mathematics double-major from Fairfax, Iowa), Tessa Rundle ’16 (physics major from Dodgeville, Wis.), and Brendan Krull ’17 (physics major from Manhattan Beach, Calif.) with Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • Microgravity Propellant Gauging using Experimental Modal Analysis — Eric Ireland ’15 (physics major from Kenosha, Wis.) with Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • Calculating, Through the Use of Solar Spectra, the Angular Rotation Rates of Multiple Distant Stars — Tod Schulter ’16 (mathematics/physics double-major from Sterling, Ill.) with Prof. Julie Dahlstrom
  • A Psychophysical Investigation of Vision and Olfaction — Cody Houzenga ’15 (psychology major from Fulton, Ill.) with Prof. Leslie Cameron
  • Why members of the clergy and congregations have left the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America or the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 2006 — Brittany Frederick ’17 (French/political science major from Plainfield, Ill.) with Prof. Wayne Thompson

The following research projects and students were selected for the 2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Bias in the Labor Market — Amanda Beveridge ’16 (finance, management) and Erin McCook ’16 (finance, management) with Prof. Cassie Lau
  • NSF Texas A&M Partnership — Jordan Ingle ’17 (chemistry), Tyler Witzleb ’16 (chemistry), and Burgonye Hughes ’16 (chemistry) with Prof. Kevin Morris
  • Surfactants with Reversible Linkers for Micelle-Facilitated Organic Synthesis — Kendall Craig ’17 (chemistry) and Mikaela McGovern ’16 (chemistry) with Prof. David Brownholland
  • Engineering a Solid-Surface Lead Biosensor in Bacteria — Elizabeth Allen ’16 (biology, neuroscience), Janet Haro ’18 (chemistry), and Perrin Schupbach ’18 (biology) with Prof. Janice Pellino
  • The Environmental Fate of Triclosan — Banni Hazael Lopez Zavala ’16 (environmental science) with Prof. Sarah Rubinfeld
  • The Etymology of the Term ‘Shamanism’ — Amanda Reilly ’16 (history) with Prof. Steve Udry
  • Dynamics of Temporal Networks — Kerry Stapf ’17 (chemistry), Catherine Northrup ’17 (computer science), and Elisabeth Rutter ’17 (mathematics, chemistry) with Prof. Haley Yaple
  • NASA/WSGC UAV Project — Stephen Janke ’16 (physics), Brian Kragh ’16 (mathematics), Nathaniel Lee ’18 (physics), and Rachel Post ’16 (mathematics, criminal justice) with Prof. Erlan Wheeler
  • Investigating Diffuse Interstellar Band Absorption in the Reflection Nebula Surrounding HD 38087 — Michael Merritt ’17 (physics, mathematics) with Prof. Julie Dahlstrom
  • NASA/WSGC Research Fellowship: CAERENET — Stephanie Bradshaw ’16 (geography and earth science) with Prof. Brant Carlson
  • NASA Parabolic Flight Campaign — Tessa Rundle ’16 (physics) and Benjamin Tillema ’18 (physics) with Prof. Kevin Crosby
  • Examining Visual Field Inhomogeneities in Motion — Leslie Krause ’15 (psychology, neuroscience) with Prof. Leslie Cameron
  • Outpatient Children with Cancer and Their Experience with Bullying and Peers — Gabrielle Cypher ’16 (social work, business management) with Prof. Dani Geary
  • Electronics in Costumes for Breath of Stars — Hayley Sherwood ’16 (theatre) with Prof. Kim Instenes
  • A Dramaturgical Study of Stage Kiss — Lindsay Phillips ’17 (theatre performance) with Prof. Herschel Kruger
  • The Afghanistan Veterans Project: Playwriting through Living History — Laurel McKenzie ’16 (theatre, history) with Prof. Martin McClendon
  • The Beautiful and the Good: Kant, Schiller, and the Aesthetics of Morality — Taylor Kloha ’15 (great ideas) with Prof. Sam Stoner

The following students and projects were selected for the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

  • Hedberg Library Mural: Domains of Knowledge — Paul Salsieder ’18 with Prof. Diane Levesque
  • Variations in the Morphology of the Wrist Bones of Species in the Order Chiroptera — Sarah Robinson ’18 with Prof. Deanna Byrnes
  • An Investigation of Cell Signaling in a Transgenic Zebrafish Model of Uveal Melanoma — Benjamin Boren ’18, Samuel De Cero ’17, and Michael Poplawski ’17 with Prof. Andrea Henle
  • Isolation and Analysis of Bacteriophages Aboard the International Space Station — Tristan Grams ’18 with Prof. Andrea Henle and Prof. Deborah Tobiason (project funded through the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium)
  • Designing and Synthesizing Surfactants for Micelle-Catalyzed Reactions — Jack Haggett ’17, and Chas Young ’17 with Prof. David Brownholland; Jordan Ingle ’17, Kevin Krause ’18, Gabriel Rothbauer ’17, and Elisabeth Rutter ’17 with Prof. Kevin Morris
  • A Statistical Analysis of Bias in Film — Zachary Erickson ’19, Brett Grimes ’17, and Ryan Mahoney ’18 with Prof. Sara Jensen
  • An Investigation of Cell Phone Use in College Classrooms — Mary Weir ’17 and Logen Bartz ’17 with Prof. Dennis Munk
  • Content Analysis of Omnilibros.com — Amanda Ostrem ’17 with Prof. Marilyn Ward
  • Magic Squares — Michael Leazer ’17 with Prof. Erlan Wheeler
  • Characterization of Reactive Astrocytosis in Axon Growth Permissive and Inhibitory Astrocyte Cell Lines — Elizabeth Casey ’19 with Prof. Denise Cook-Synder
  • Characterization of Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan NG2 Knockout in Axon Growth Permissive and Inhibitory Astrocyte Cell Lines — Sarah Ciombor ’19 with Prof. Denise Cook-Snyder
  • Characterization of a Neuron-Astrocyte Cell Line Co-culture System for Investigating Neurite Growth — Maya Murzello ’18 with Prof. Denise Cook-Synder
  • Confocal Microscopy and Structural Plasticity in the Hippocampus and Amygdala in a Rat Model for Anxiety and Stress Disorder — Kelsey Nilles ’17 with Prof. Denise Cook-Synder and Prof. Daniel Miller (project funded through the Stress and Motivated Behavior Institute, Syracuse VA Medical Center)
  • Effects of Photobiomodulation in Osteoclast Formation in Vitro — Argie Claro ’18 and Ryan Yont ’19 with Prof. Lisa Anderson-Antle
  • Pedagogy, Desire, and Duty in Rousseau’s Emile — Lauren Winn ’17 with Prof. Paul Ulrich
  • CaNOP: Carthage CubeSat Project — Jedidiah Barnes ’19, Daniel Gerloff ’18, Laura Hammock ’19, Michael Huff ’19, Brendan Krull ’16, Ashley Marquette ’17, Jeremiah Munson ’19, Michael Omohundro ’17, Ariana Raya ’19, Benjamin Tillema ’18, Nycole Wenner ’19, and Joseph Wonsil ’19 with Prof. Kevin Crosby (project funded through the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium University Student Instrument Project, or USIP)
  • Modal Propellant Gauging — Kevin LeCaptain ’16 and Ethan Woller with Prof. Kevin Crosby (project funded through the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium University Student Instrument Project, or USIP)
  • RockSat — Max Becher ’19, Ariane Boissonnas ’18, Michael Hernandez ’18, Nathaniel Lee ’18, Breonna McMahon ’18, and Thomas Shannon ’19 with Prof. Brant Carlson (project funded in part through the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium)
  • Political Theory of Protests, Rebellion, and other Reactions to Government with Insufficient Functionality — Ryeshia Farmer ’17 with Prof. Chris Lynch
  • Crafty or Quiet? Perceptions of Talk Time in Mixed-sex Dyads — Shelby Wilson ’18 with Prof. Emily Leskinen
  • Human Diversity at Carthage — Samara Hull ’17 with Prof. Wayne Thompson
  • Developing Dramaturgy at Carthage — Conor O’Brien ’17 with Prof. Neil Scharnick
  • Humanities Citizenship Initiative: Evaluation of a Humanities Outreach Program — Sharai Jacob ’19 with Prof. Katharine Keenan
  • Humanities Citizenship Initiative — Magdalena Rocha ’19 with Prof. Katharine Keenan; Daniela Rodriguez ’19 with Prof. Ben DeSmidt; Anna Ptacek ’18 with Prof. Eric Pullin

The following students and projects were selected for the 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

Stefanie Huttelmaier ’18, Josey Muske ’20
Project: Investigation of Cell Surface Markers on Cancer Cells Cultured Under Hypoxic Conditions
Mentor: Prof. Andrea Henle

Sarah Robinson ’18
Project: Comparative Wrist Morphology Among Species of Chiroptera
Mentor: Prof. Deanna Byrnes

Cara Hull ’19, Caitlin McCombe ’20
Project: Acoustic Signatures as Aids in Identifying and Monitoring Longevity in Wild Roaming Gray Wolves (Canis lupus)
Mentor: Prof. Angela Dassow

Leah Hall ’19 (Noyce Scholar)
Project: Quantitation of Metal Ions in Surface Waters
Mentor: Prof. Christine Blaine

Michael Jones ’19
Project: Micelle-Catalyzed Reactions in Flow
Mentor: Prof. David Brownholland

Matthew Koviekis ’18
Project: Deposition and Strengthening of Silica Colloidal Crystals
Mentor: Prof. John Kirk

Leah Sanford ’18
Project: Synthesis of Size-Matched Silica and Gold Nanoparticles
Mentor: Prof. John Kirk

Aileen Szczepanski ’19
Project: Organic Synthesis of O-acylated Amino Acid Surfactants to Examine Antibacterial Properties
Mentor: Prof. David Brownholland

Lawrence Gums ’18, Melody Abbott ’19
Project: New Translation of Sophocles’ Ajax for Use with Veterans Struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Mentor: Prof. Ben DeSmidt

Troy Durie ’18
Project: Solving the Mystery of Productivity in the American Economy
Mentor: Prof. Cassie Lau

Ashley Bucolt ’18 (Noyce Scholar), Marcelo Hernandez ’18
Project: Taking Anxiety out of the Equation: A Study About Math Education
Mentor: Prof. Lara Christoun

Alexandra Martinez ’18
Project: Examining the Use of Memory in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park
Mentor: Prof. Alyson Kiesel

Racheal Treadway ’18
Project: Examining Memory in Jane Austen’s novel Persuasion
Mentor: Prof. Alyson Kiesel

Linda Muita ’19
Project: Impact of Hedge Fund Activism on Target Companies
Mentor: Prof. Cassie Lau

Zachary Nelson ’18
Project: Increasing Profits in European Football (Soccer)
Mentor: Prof. Cassie Lau

Nathan Fiege ’19, Nathan Morris ’18 (Noyce Scholar), Ariana Raya ’19, Jordan Weathersby ’18
Project: Mathematical Model for Magnetism
Mentor: Prof. Haley Yaple

Juan Sanchez ’19
Project: Bidding Conventions in Bridge
Mentor: Prof. Noah Weiss

Hannah Latham ’18
Project: Behavioral Inhibition, Stress Vulnerability, and Enhanced Associative Plasticity in Wistar Kyoto Rats
Mentor: Prof. Dan Miller

Bryce Novak ’18
Project: Brightness Variation in Tabby’s Star: Alien Megastructures or Chaotic Oscillator?
Mentor: Prof. Julie Dahlstrom

Elizabeth Wenzel ’18
Project: Short-Term Memory for Odors is Surprisingly Poor
Mentor: Prof. Leslie Cameron

Mandy Ehlert ’18
Project: Attentional Entrainment Across Modalities and in a Changing Rhythm
Mentor: Prof. Anthony Barnhart

Alexis Gilkes ’18
Project: The Lakota Project: Research and Writing a New Play
Mentor: Prof. Neil Scharnick

Adam Biewer ’20, Nicholas Poole ’20
Project: Hardware Development and Data Analysis for VLF Radio Detection of Lightning in the Atmosphere and Ionosphere
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson

Celestine Ananda ’20, Jedidiah Barnes ’19, Nicholas Bartel ’20, Max Becher ’19, Michael Bisciglia ’19, Kathleen Dziubinski ’20, Zachary Erickson ’20, Charles Gallagher ’19, Dan Gerloff ’19, Laura Hammock ’19, Michael Hernandez ’19, Michael Huff ’19, Isaiah Jackson ’20, Caitlin Kitchen ’20, Jeremiah Munson ’19, Austin Weber ’20, Nycole Wenner ’19, Joseph Wonsil ’19
Project: CaNOP: Carthage CubeSat Project
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Megan Janiak ’20, Nathaniel Lee ’18, Jackson Wehr ’18
Project: Micro-Propellant Gauging
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

The following students and projects were selected for the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

Jawaune Johnson ’19
Project: Creation of a Carthage Diversity Mural
Mentor: Prof. Ryan Miller

Danielle Borchart ’19
Project: Determination of Novel Binding Partners for StarD6
Mentor: Prof. Gabriella Kartz

Carlee Dawson ’19, Stefanie Huttelmaier ’18
Project: Development of Fluorescent Uveal Melanoma Cell Lines for Tumor Transplantation Assays in Zebrafish
Mentor: Prof. Andrea Henle
* This project is funded by an external grant from Ancell Corporation.

Yana Astter ’21, Grace Kozisek ’20
Project: Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis and Thin-Film Spin Coating
Mentor: Prof. John Kirk

Grant Mahant ’20, Elizabeth Pieroni ’19
Project: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Biobased Surfactants
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Riley Geoghegan ’21
Project: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein-Ligand Complexes
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Michael Bisciglia ’19, Travis Dillard ’19
Project: AudiOS
Mentor: Prof. Perry Kivolowitz

John Maddock ’19
Project: Measuring the Effects of Alcohol Taxes on Levels of Consumption and Public Health Outcomes
Mentor: Prof. Ronald Cronovich

Riley Peterson ’21, Emily Reinhard ’19
Project: Financial Impact of Making Carthage Greener
Mentor: Prof. Catherine Lau

Joseph Hansen ’20
Project: The Evolution of the Early 19th Century Short Story
Mentor: Prof. Shannon Brennan

Elizabeth Norton ’19
Project: The Allegorical Significances of Art and Artifice in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene
Mentor: Prof. Maria Carrig

Emily Turk ’19, Patrick Zaker ’20
Project: The Fate of Consumer Product Chemicals in Agricultural Systems
Mentor: Prof. Sarah Rubinfeld

Sidney Burke ’19
Project: Understanding Etiologies of Burnout in Medical Residents
Mentor: Prof. Cynthia Allen

Madeline Owca ’19
Project: Machiavelli on War
Mentor: Prof. Christopher Lynch

Maria Salerno ’19
Project: The Role of “Anchor Vendors” in Farmers’ Market Technology Usage
Mentor: Prof. Thomas Groleau

Gladys Montoya ’19 (Noyce)
Project: Researching, Developing, Evaluating, and Testing Differentiated Teaching Practices on Learning Techniques for General Education in an Inclusive Mathematics Classroom
Mentor: Prof. Aaron Trautwein

Mary Phillips ’20
Project: Sums of Absolutely Convergent Series With Negative Terms
Mentor: Prof. Mark Snavely

Robin Peterson ’21
Project: Determining the Neural Correlates of Avoidance Learning in Behavioral Inhibition: Implications for Anxiety Disorders
Mentor: Prof. Denise Cook-Snyder

Hannah Skendziel ’19, Erin Walz ’19
Project: The Effects of Behavioral Inhibition and Elevated CO2 on Human Respiratory Physiology and the Neuroendocrine Stress Response
Mentor: Prof. Denise Cook-Snyder

Chance Beaty ’20, Emmet Katzer ’19
Project: A 3D Map of Diffuse Interstellar Band Strengths
Mentor: Prof. Julie Dahlstrom

Max Becher ’19
Project: Instrument Development for Measurement of Thunderstorm Electric Fields
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson

Eric Schmitt ’20 (Noyce)
Project: Development of Ground- and Cloud-based Electric Field Instruments
Mentor: Prof. Julie Dahlstrom

Alessandro Tocci ’20
Project: Ground-based Electric Field Measurements for Sprite Studies
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson
* This project is supported by a grant from the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium

Noah Griser ’21, Holly Pelnar ’21
Project: Tracking Human Eye Movements
Mentors: Prof. Tony Barnhart, Prof. Leslie Cameron

Eunice Mwonya ’19
Project: Measures of Olfaction During Pregnancy
Mentor: Prof. Leslie Cameron

Alayna Arrington ’19, Stephen Siddall ’19
Project: Finding (Her)Story: Re-Imagining the Historical Role of Women at Carthage College
Mentor: Prof. Bradley Zopf

Celestine Ananda ’20, Nicholas Bartel ’20, Sheila Franklin ’19, Megan Janiak ’20, Taylor Peterson ’21
Project: Blue Origin New Shepard Payload
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby
* This project is supported by a grant from the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium

Celestine Ananda ’20, Nicholas Bartel ’20, Zachary Erickson ’19, Charles Gallagher ’19, Austin Weber ’20, Ethan Woller ’21 (Purdue University student)
Project: Canopy Near-infrared Observing Project (CaNOP) CubeSat
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby
* This project is supported by a grant from theWisconsin Space Grant Consortium

Veronica Vickas ’19
Project: Costume Design for the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s production of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Jersey Lilly
Mentor: Prof. Kim Instenes

The following students and projects were selected for the 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

Gabrielle Schmitt ’20, Katharine Schram ’20
Project: A Painting of Carthage History
Mentor: Prof. Diane Levesque

Grace Schmidt ’20
Project: An Applied Survey of Graphic Novel Illustration with Frida and Euclid
Mentor: Prof. Jojin Van Winkle

Brady Holbach ’20
Project: Stratigraphic Distribution of Turtles at the end of the age of Dinosaurs in Southeastern Montana
Mentor: Prof. Thomas Carr

Azniv Khaligian ’22, Joy Layton ’21
Project: Examination of white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) play behavior
Mentor: Prof. Angela Dassow

Ashley Hermans ’20, Felicity Daniels ’21, Sophia Tajnai ’21
Project: Understanding the role of the Hippo Pathway in the optic nerve development and Regeneration
Mentor: Prof. Steven Henle

Samantha Ardery ’21
Project: Studying the Hippo Pathway in Zebrafish Optics
Mentor: Prof. Steven Henle

Jessica Fletcher ’20, Kaitlin Arnashus ’19
Project: NMR Spectroscopy of Amino Acid-based Surfactants
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Grace Tews ’21, Sonja Katt ’21
Project: Synthesis of Microporous Carbons from Metal-Organic Frameworks to Improve Water Quality
Mentor: Prof. Megan Moyer

Anthony Kaprelian ’20, Danielle Koziczkowski ’21
Project: The Effect of Genetic Mutations on StarD6 and its Role in Cholesterol Binding and Homeostasis
Mentor: Prof. Gabriella Papale

Andrew Boldt ’21, Jonathan Ramirez ’21
Project: Strategies in Radical Functionalization using Photoredox Catalysis
Mentor: Prof. Susan Stevenson

Scotland White ’21
Project: Storyteller: A Tool for Telling Stories About Code
Mentor: Prof. Mark Mahoney

Zoe Hobbs ’21
Project: Comparing and Mapping Rooftop Solar Incentives Across the U.S.
Mentor: Prof. Erik Johnson

Riley Peterson ’21
Project: The Effect of Federal Government Shutdowns on Health
Mentor: Prof. Cassie Lau

Mia Morton ’20
Project: Analyzing OmniLibros: Children’s International Literature
Mentor: Prof. Marilyn Ward

Caleb Hays ’19
Project: “Malone, Malone, no more of that”: Modernism and the Search for Meaning in Beckett’s Malone Dies
Mentor: Prof. Maria Carrig

Ben Nolan ’20
Project: Force-Time Characteristics of Safety Squat, Back Squat, and Front Squat
Mentor: Prof. Andrew Pustina

Stephanie Storczer ’21
Project: Cultural Appropriation in Japan
Mentor: Prof. Darwin Tsen

Alec DiGirolamo ’22 
Project: Compression-Based Digital Watermarking of Color Images Using Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks
Mentor: Prof. Diana Thomson

Mary Phillips ’19
Project: Sums of Absolutely Convergent Series with Negative Terms
Mentor: Prof. Sara Jensen

Sarah Schiltz ’19
Project: Evaluation of the Effects of an Undergraduate Spiritual Care Course to Guide Care of Patients at the End of Life
Mentor: Prof. Cheryl Petersen

Asmau Diallo ’21
Project: Eye Tracking and Ethnic Marketing
Mentors: Prof. Arryn Robbins

Chad Bolman ’20
Project: Using eye-tracking to examine attentional failures related to cybersecurity
Mentor: Prof. Arryn Robbins

Emily Lilly ’21
Project: Cognitive and Affective Barriers to Help-Seeking for Young Adults with Chronic Illness
Mentor: Prof. Kateryna Sylaska

Kimberly Hernandez ’21
Project: The Milwaukee Moment: Oppression, Policing, and resistance in the age of mass incarceration
Mentor: Prof. Katherine Hilson

Jacob Biewer ’22 (University of Wisconsin-Madison student), Caroline Cardamone ’20, Garrett Shuldes ’22
Project: Canopy Near-infrared Observing Project (CaNOP CubeSat)
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby
* This project is supported by a grant from the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium

Bennett Bartel ’22, Cassandra Bossong ’21, Taylor Peterson ’21
Project: Magneto-active Slosh Control (MaSC) for Spacecraft and launch vehicles
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby
* This project is supported by a grant from the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium

The following students and projects were selected for the 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:

Wesam Al Sarori ’21
Project: How COVID-19 Decimated the Restaurant/Bar Industry and Broader Business Community in Kenosha Overnight
Mentor: Prof. Cassie Lau

Geovanni Virella-Torres ’22
Project: 404: Movement Based Video Project
Mentor: Prof. Jojin Van Winkle

Ashley Brickl ’21
Project: Using a metagenome-like assembly strategy to assess genome structure and genetic diversity in whole populations of Beta vulgaris
Mentor: Prof. Andrew Funk

Caleb Collar ’20
Project: Assessing resistance gene variation in whole populations of Beta vulgaris using a metagenome-like assembly strategy and nucleotide-based resistance gene modeling
Mentor: Prof. Andrew Funk

Kevin Dunn ’20, Megan Mayer ’21
Project: What does CO2 help us understand about the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of BI females?
Mentor: Prof. Paul Martino

Melanie Gucwa ’20
Projects: A computational and bioinformatics approach to understanding the role of melanophore migration in zebrafish pigmentation and in melanoma and Use of the TOAST bioinformatics database to identify genes in Arabidopsis thaliana that may be important in the gravitropic response during spaceflight
Mentor: Prof. Andrea Henle

Amy Sorge ’20
Project: Micellar-Catalyzed Peptide Coupling reactions in Continuous Flow Conditions
Mentor: Prof. David Brownholland

Brooke Halvorsen ’21
Project: Interactive Narrative Technology and Production
Mentor: Prof. Nick Pilarski

Omar Cataldo ’20, Scotland White ’21
Project: Storyteller: Version Control and Optimization
Mentor: Prof. Mark Mahoney

Samuel Croak ’21
Project: The Interstate Commerce Clause, Racial Discrimination, and Their Economic Effects
Mentor: Prof. Brent McClintock

Georgia Fox ’20
Project: Local Environmental Quality and Income Inequality: An Empirical Examination in the United States
Mentor: Prof. Erik Johnson

Thomas Cargille
Project: Heroes of the Collective: An Exploration of Jung’s Theory of the Collective Unconscious in Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene”
Mentor: Prof. Maria Carrig

Bradley Morelli ’20
Project: Venus in Fear: Thomas Hardy’s “New Woman” and the End of the Victorian Age
Mentor: Prof. Maria Carrig
This Abraham Lincoln Forum research project is sponsored in part by the Jack Miller Center.

Heidi Fischer ’21
Project: Boccaccio’s “Decameron” and the human psyche during a plague
Mentor: Prof. Seemee Ali
This Abraham Lincoln Forum research project is sponsored in part by the Jack Miller Center.

Calvin Raymond ’20, Victoria Wheeler ’23
Project: A Study of Coincidence Isometries in the Plane
Mentor: Prof. Diana Thomson

Timothy Dunnigan ’20
Project: An Exploration of Truth and its Methods of Proof
Mentor: Prof. Erlan Wheeler
 This Abraham Lincoln Forum research project is sponsored in part by the Jack Miller Center.

Alex Rogers ’20
Project: A discourse-pragmatic study of politeness and intersubjectivity in Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish conversations
Mentor: Prof. Yan Wang

Morgan Taylor ’20
Project: Songs of the Meru: Creating Teaching and Learning Sources
Mentor: Prof. Peter Dennee

Samantha Ardery ’20, Asher Boucher ’22, Sarah McLaughlin ’21, Allison Tieman ’20
Project: Visual System Development and Regeneration in Zebrafish
Mentor: Prof. Steven Henle

Daniel Dalton ’20
Project: Vocation
Mentor: Prof. Cheryl Petersen

Jordan Ball ’23, Felicity Daniels ’20
Project: RockSat Payload Development: Microgravity Capillary Flow Experiment
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Liam Carls ’23
Project: Assembly, Test, and Integration of the MPG-PROTO Experiment
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Madeline Ellie ’20, Cameron Fischer ’23, Henry Meyer ’23, Zachary Scheunemann ’21, Garrett Shuldes ’22
Project: Multi-point observations of the thunderstorm electric environment
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson

Cassandra Bossong ’20
Project: Team lead for the Magneto-active Slosh Control Experiment (MaSC) and Project Manager for Gateway Gauging Experiment
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Ashley Lundell ’23
Project: Understanding the Feelings of Being a Burden: A Mixed Methodological Study of Young Adults with Chronic Illness
Mentor: Prof. Kateryna Sylaska

Devan Nelson ’21
Project: Evaluative stress and social interactions within academic and digital contexts
Mentor: Prof. Nora Nickels

Sophie Hyde ’21
Project: Assessment on Carthage Students’ Spiritual Self-care and Need
Mentor: Prof. Tian Tian

Tyrani White ’21
Project: The Milwaukee Moment: Oppression, Policing, and Resistance in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Mentor: Prof. Katherine Hilson

The following students and projects were selected for the 2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience:


Project: Method Development for Spin-Coating Silica Nanoparticles for Strength and Substrate Coverage
Mentor: Prof. John Kirk


Project: Developing a protocol for PVY infection from a synthetic vector in planta
Mentor: Prof. Erin Weber


Project: Triphenylphosphonium salts as radical precursors using photoredox catalysis
Mentor: Prof. Suzie Stevenson


Project: Radical Chlorination using Visible Light Photocatalysis
Mentor: Prof. Suzie Stevenson


Project: Storyteller: Telling Stories with Code
Mentor: Prof. Mark Mahoney


Project: Designing and Implementing Sustainability Tools at Carthage
Mentor: Prof. Erik Johnson


Project: What are Inclusion and Specially Designed Instruction?: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Mentor: Prof. Nina Weisling


Project: The Fate of Consumer Product Chemicals in Agricultural Systems
Mentor: Prof. Sarah Rubinfeld


Project: An investigation of the spatiotemporal patterns, trends, dynamics, and potential explanations of COVID-19 in the U.S. at the county level through GIS and spatial statistics
Mentor: Prof. Wenjie Sun


Project: Investigating diversity, equity, and inclusion in statistics and data science courses: curating data sets with pedagogical value
Mentor: Profs. Sara Jensen ’08, Diana Thomson, and Haley Yaple


Project: A Study of Coincidence Isometries in Space
Mentor: Prof. Diana Thomson


Project: The Evolution of Polite Language Among Young Adults in Japan
Mentor: Prof. Yan Wang


Project: The Intersubjectivity of Sentence-Final Particles in Young People Conversation in Japan
Mentor: Prof. Yan Wang


Project: Preparation and Performance: An Opera Company Experience
Mentor: Peg Cleveland (Plambeck)


Project: Computational Analysis of Zebrafish Behavior and the Optokinetic Response
Mentor: Prof. Steven Henle


Project: Design of dropsonde systems for measurement of thunderstorm electric fields
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson


Project: Theoretical prediction of dropsonde thunderstorm electric field measurements
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson


Project: Characterizing the Redshift and Brightness of Type Ia Supernovae and their host Galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey (DES)
Mentor: Prof. Jean Quashnock


Project: Modal Propellant Gauging (MPG)
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby


Project: Propellant Refueling and On-Oribt Transfer Operations (Proto II)
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby


Project: Children’s Understanding of Death and Afterlife in Different Cultures
Mentor: Prof. Melanie Nyhof


Project: Effects of a virtual psychosocial stress paradigm on subjective state anxiety and social behavior
Mentor: Prof. Nora Nickels

Pierce Wenta ’22

Project: Congressional Trading: Using Policy Knowledge to Boost Financial Gains and the Effects on the Financial Markets
Mentor: Prof. Chao Zheng

Mira Parker ’22

Project: Research Related to the Senpai/Kohai Relationship Among Native Japanese Speakers in the United States
Mentor: Prof. Yan Wang

Abigail Groszek ’22
Alexis Menendez ’22

Project: Examination of Cao-vit Gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) Vocalizations
Mentor: Prof. Angela Dassow

Mary (Beth) Harshberger ’23

Project: Cortisol and Salivary Amylases of Males and Females College-Aged Students With and Without Behavioral Inhibition
Mentor: Prof. Paul Martino

Olivia Wolf ’22

Project: Exploring CO2 Sensitivity in Behaviorally Inhibited Individuals
Mentor: Prof. Paul Martino

Lauren Willams ’22
Jacob Mayer ’22

Project: NMR Spectroscopy of Bio-based Surfactants
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Jack De Salvo ’23

Project: Investigating Drug Interactions with Transthyretin using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Alex Papiez ’23

Project: A Manipulation of PVY to Examine Pathogenesis in Potatoes and Tobacco
Mentor: Prof. Erin Weber

Damian Leja ’23

Project: Validation of Synthetic PVY NO in Plants
Mentor: Prof. Erin Weber

Vanessa Gonzalez ’22

Project: Systemic Infection of Potato Virus Y on Potatoes and Tobacco
Mentor: Prof. Erin Weber

Megan Baumeister ’22

Project: The Economic Situation of LGBTQ People
Mentor: Prof. Ronald Cronovich

Melissa Brulz ’23

Project: The Impact of Special Education Teachers’ Burnout and Well-Being on Their Students’ Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review
Mentor: Prof. Jun Wang

Hannah Koehlert ’23

Project: An Exploration of the Prevalence of Burnout Among DIII Student Athletes
Mentor: Prof. Cynthia Allen

Theodore Reimer ’23

Project: Coincidence Isometries of 3D Lattices
Mentor: Prof. Diana Thomson

Claire Wulf ’22

Project: Computational Analysis of Visually-evoked Behaviors in Zebrafish
Mentor: Prof. Steven Henle

Rebecca Dowe ’22
Rebecca Fales ’22
Sarah Young ’23

Project: The Role of the Hippo Pathway in Visual System Development and Regeneration
Mentor: Prof. Steven Henle

Ian Warda ’22

Project: The Impact of U.S. Development Assistance in Argentina and Brazil on the U.S. Economy
Mentor: Prof. Jeff Roberg

Gabriela Carranza ’25

Project: Microgravity Ullage Detection
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Dalton Callow ’24
Gabriela Carranza ’25
Angelica Cuevas ’25
Carissa Kiehl ’25

Project: Propellant Refueling and On-orbit Transfer Operations
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Angelica Cuevas ’25

Project: Research Collaboration with the Airbus Company
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby


Project: Design and Construction of an MPG Experiment for the International Space Station
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Carissa Kiehl ’25
Hector RAUDA ’25
Joseph SachtlEben ’24

Project: Carthage CubeSat Project: Canopy Near-infrared Observing Project
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Gabriela Carranza ’25
Kevin Totts ’25

Project: Partnership with NASA T2U Program to Develop Application for Fiber Optic Sensing System Developed at AFRC
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Rayven Craft ’23
Kathryn Layendecker ’25

Project: Verbatim Theatre Play About the Jacob Blake Shooting in Kenosha
Mentors: Profs. Nora Carroll and Martin McClendon

Abigail Smith ’25

Project: Gun Violence in Schools
Mentor: Prof. Ryan Miller

Joseph Krakora ’26

Project: Species Identification and Stratigraphic Position of Amiid (Bowfin Fishes) Fossils from the Hell Creek Formation of Southeastern Montana, and Recovery and Comparison of their Growth Series
Mentor: Prof. Thomas Carr

Maverick Leer ’26

Project: Compilation of growth data for Eurypterus remipes
Mentor: Prof. Thomas Carr

Iman Deanparvar ’25

Project: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Drug Binding to the V122I Transthyretin Variant
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Juan Gomez-Solis ’25

Project: Validation of Synthetic PVY NO in Plants
Mentor: Prof. Erin Weber

Jessica Schultz ’24

Project: Development of an Enzyme-based Detection Method for PVY
Mentor: Prof. Erin Weber

Robert Rauscher ’25
Diego Castaneda ’25

Project: Toward Structure-Based Models of Chiral Recognition by Amino Acid Based Macrormolecular Assemblies
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Morris

Hayden Friese ’24

Project: Strategic Analysis of the BRI: A Political Economy Approach
Mentor: Prof. Brent McClintock

Ellison Vermillion ’25

Project: Urban Education and Sociological Research
Mentor: Prof. Siovahn Williams

Wayne Jackson ’25

Project: Developing Inquiry-Based Engineering Labs to Foster Student Learning
Mentor: Prof. Kathryn Hasz

Elsie Berg ’24

Project: Disability and the Monster: How Andrew Joseph White’s “Hell Followed With Us” Reimagines Ableist Tropes in Literature
Mentor: Prof. Alyson Kielsel

KJ De Jesus ’24

Project: Politics & Queerness in 1980s Comic Books: A Study on Dykes To Watch Out For, Love and Rockets, and Underground Zine Culture
Mentor: Prof. Shannon Brennan

Gregory Mazurkiewicz ’24

Project: Exploring the impact of salary cap structures on labor market processes in professional sport leagues
Mentor: Prof. Carter Rockhill

Emma Conran ’25
Elena Knebel ’25
Brett VanDeWostine ’24

Project: Patterns in Political Polarization
Mentors: Profs. Haley Yaple and Landon Gauthier

Hector Rauda ’25

Project: Applications of Topological Data Analysis
Mentor: Prof. Megan Stickler

Allyson Lengers ’24
John Massari ’24

Project: Exploring CO2 Sensitivity in Behaviorally Inhibited Rats: Consequences of Extended Space Travel
Mentor: Prof. Sarah Terrill

Caitlin Whiteman ’24

Project: Energy Balance Influences on Avoidance Behavior and Anxiety-like Behaviors
Mentor: Prof. Sarah Terrill

Marlena Moore ’24

Project: Care of the Spirit for Vulnerable Patients with Cancer
Mentor: Prof. Cheryl Petersen

Bo Anderson ’25

Project: Olfaction and Pregnancy
Mentor: Prof. Leslie Cameron

Sarah Tuchel ’24

Project: A qualitative study of expert magicians’ views on magic and misdirection
Mentor: Prof. Anthony Barnhart

Tyler Kelly ’24

Project: Forms of Resistance in the Black ’80s
Mentor: Prof. Julius Crump

Kortni Robinson ’24

Project: Why not me?
Mentor: Prof. Katherine Hilson

Daifaizon Aldridge ’26
Jill Forgac ’24
Sikiel Graves ’25
Teagan Steineke ’26
Jordan Wheeler ’25

Project: Microgravity Ullage Detection (MUD) NASA Flight Project
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Jordan Bopp ’26
Skylar Farr ’26
Hiroki Imura ’25
Juliana Alvarez ’27

Project: Propellant Refueling and On-orbit Transfer (PROTO) NASA Flight Project
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

John Cargille ’26
Logan Dales ’25
Riley Johnson ’24
Sarah Kersten ’26
Carissa Kiehl ’25
Sydney Pelnar ’25
Joseph Sachtleben ’23

Project: Canopy Near-IR Observing Project NASA Cubesat program
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Gabriela Carranza ’25
Zachary Kongable ’26
Kevin Totts ’25

Project: Fiber Optic Sensing System (FOSS) NASA T2U Project
Mentor: Profs. Kevin Crosby and Kathryn Hasz

Shelldyn Earnest ’25

Project: Diffusive transport of water in lunar and Martian regolith simulants
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Anna Polietaieva ’27
Jared Werner ’27

Project: Art-Historical and Contextual Research on Carthage’s Sam and Berry Shoen Collection of Soviet Art
Prof. Robin Holmes

Damanpreet Khaira ’26
Grace Krueger ’25

Project: Genome Analysis of a Novel Species of Bacterium in the Porphyromonadaceae Family Isolated from the Hindgut of Kyphosus sydneyanus
Prof. Emily Wollmuth

Aubrey Brown ’25
Zachary Herold ’25

Project: NMR Analysis of Micelle Formation by Bio-Based Surfactants
Prof. Kevin Morris

Theresa Carpentier ’24
Morgan Shetzer ’25

Project: The Development of In-Service Special Education Teachers’ Well-Being Self-Efficacy Survey and Well-Being Outcome Expectancy Survey
Mentor: Prof. Jun Wang

Xingchen Liu ’26

Project: The Ballistic Step-Up Exercise: A Kinetic Analysis
Prof. Andrew Pustina

Terrell Franklin ’25

Project: Crafting Speculative Narratives: Screenwriting for the Streaming Age
Prof. Jojin Van Winkle

Ava Beyers ’25
Josh Maraldo ’26

Project: Tracking Environmental Responses to Rapid Warming: A Satellite-Based Evaluation of Seasonal Lake Ice Cover Changes in the Russian Arctic
Mentor: Prof. Matthew Zorn

Dee Drain-Majors ’26
Ryan Heffelman ’27
Alan Kwak ’27

Project: Explorations of Inverse Problems
Mentors: Prof. Landon Gauthier

Sam Erickson ’27
Hiroki Imura ’24

Project: Virtual X-Ray Diffraction of Dislocated Crystals
Prof. Joseph Anderson

Dawson Gaynor ’26

Project: Orientation Sensing for Electric Field Sensors for Thunderstorms
Prof. Brant Carlson

Lucas Peterson ’25

Project: Using Machine Learning Speed Up Simulation of Photon Propagation After Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson

Alek Zavadoski ’26

Project: Aerodynamics of an Electric Field Probe Dropped into Thunderstorms
Mentor: Prof. Brant Carlson

Bradley Szubryt ’25
Adriana Respondi Trocchio ’26

Project: The Role of Incompleteness and Disgust in Predicting OCD Symptoms: An Induction Study
Prof. Sara O’Brien

Juliana Alvarez ’27
Semaje Farmer ’26
Skylar Farr ’26
Reece Greenwald ’25

Project: Space Lab Project: Collective Dynamics of Bubbles in an Ultrasonic Field
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Gabriela Carranza ’25
Zachary Kongable ’26

Project: Space Lab Projects: Implementation of the NASA Fiber Optic Sensing System for Model Propellant Gauging (MPG-FOSS)
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Logan Dales ’25
Sikiel Graves ’25
Lillyan Neta ’27
Brookelyn Velmont ’27

Project: Space Lab Projects: Microgravity Ullage Detection (MUD) and NASA Universal Payload Interface Challenge (UPIC)
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Callie Koenig ’25
John Kunath ’26

Project: Space Lab Projects: X-59 Community Overflight Planning and Embedded Teacher Program
Mentor: Prof. Kevin Crosby

Tiffany Borger ’25

Project: Voices of Dissent: Tracing the Roots and Impact of American Avant-Garde Theater of the Vietnam War Era
Mentor: Prof. Neil Scharnick

Dakota Smith ’27

Project: Verbatim Theatre Project: Religious Trauma
Prof. Martin McClendon